control: owner -1 !
control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi, lets review:

1) one single changelog entry and close the ITP bug

2) lintian
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: readme-debian-contains-debmake-template
E: logdata-anomaly-miner: description-starts-with-package-name
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: description-starts-with-leading-spaces
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: extended-description-line-too-long
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: spelling-error-in-description-synopsis allows to 
allows one to
I: logdata-anomaly-miner: spelling-error-in-manpage 
usr/share/man/man1/AMinerRemoteControl.1.gz allows to allows one to
E: logdata-anomaly-miner: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/lib/aminer/AMiner
E: logdata-anomaly-miner: python-script-but-no-python-dep 
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl prerm:30
W: logdata-anomaly-miner: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl prerm:31

3) a pybuild system might make the packaging easier to maintain

4) d/docs <-- empty

5) debian/logdata-anomaly-miner.dirs


6) watch: please ask on debian-mentors mail list or irc (OFTC/#debian-mentors)

7) std-version is 3.9.8 now

8) postinst has too much stuff

echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
exit 1

should take care of that part

9) prerm too, I think systemd already know to stop services during removal.

10) debian/source/format -> quilt, not native

why do you have a native package? seems not something Debian specific

apt-get install check-all-the-things -t experimental

$ check-all-the-things

$ codespell --quiet-level=3

$ find \( -name .git -o -name .svn -o -name .bzr -o -name CVS -o -name .hg -o 
-name _darcs -o -name _FOSSIL_ -o -name .sgdrawer \) -prune -o -empty -print

$ fdupes -q -r . | grep -vE 
'/(\.(git|svn|bzr|hg|sgdrawer)|_(darcs|FOSSIL_)|CVS)(/|$)' | cat -s

$ pep8 --ignore W191 .

$ pyflakes .

$ pyflakes3 .

# Users of binary packages do not need install instructions.
$ find -type f -iname '*README*' -a ! \( -iname -o -iname 
README.install \) -exec grep --ignore-case --fixed-strings --with-filename 
install {} +
./root/usr/share/doc/aminer/Readme.txt:Installation Requirements:

$ grep -riE 'fixme|todo|hack|xxx' .

out of time right now, if you can fix the above I'll do another trip.



Il Lunedì 18 Aprile 2016 20:15, Fiedler Roman <> ha 

I tried to address the issues from the first review for V0.0.0 at, the changes are now
in the V0.0.2~pre0 package uploaded.

But still there are some points not completely clear to me:

Issues from

* I tried to follow this one, but seem to have overlooked some points. Could
someone please give me a pointer?

Issues from

* Python3: As this software especially targets production use, currently
Python 2.6 is attempted to allow use over a broad range of OS. If community
is sufficiently large to support a parallel Python2/3 development, Python 3
support is definitely a goal.
* Python2 reference from package: Changed from
  #!/usr/bin/python -BEsSt
  #!/usr/bin/python2 -BEsSt
  Is this sufficient to address the issues from the review?
* Python package dependency: Not sure how to handle that in suitable way:
there is no abstract "python2" package, so add a control file for to source
tree for each distro to build for having the correct "python2.X" dependency
in it? Or would that be better:
  "Depends: python2.6 | python2.7, python-tz, ${misc:Depends}"
  As second solution seems simpler, I prefer that.
* Arch-dependency: Currently the code calls directly into libc as Python is
missing quite all syscalls for secure filesystem interaction.
  Apart from that, no use of arch-dependent .pyc files is made: the tool is
long-running, so the overhead acceptable and all the .pyc-related attack
surface can be skipped for the uid=0 part of the program.
  Considering that, is there a change of package structure needed and if
yes, which?

Issues from

* Does this really apply? Currently the components are packaged as
application, use as a module was not attempted/tested yet. Perhaps split the
application from the module later on? Current layout should be compliant
depending how the libc link for different CPU-archs is treated as mentioned

@Native package:

* Currently this mode chosen, as there is only a single source code
repository for open-source upstream development also holding the Debian
packaging stuff. What would be right way to split that? Remove Debian-part
from upstream and instead add it to debian collab platform? Or keep both
mixed but split build process into "BuildTgz" and "BuildDebPackage"?

I have added a watch file because lintian complained about that, now it is
complaining about the existence of the watch file. (The pubkey issue I'll
fix as soon as it is clear, if a watch file is really needed).

* I was just waiting for pointers for good versioning policy during and
after porting from java. As the package was already needed to be available
on Ubuntu, I started with simple versioning scheme with major.minor.sub.
Source code repository is here:

More about the package releases, versioning is here:

Thanks for any comments,

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