Hello Dmitry,

On 05.06.2016 21:10, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
>> JFTR, the problem of high CPU load occured on a Jessie box.  Last I
>> looked, Jessie was still supported.
> Then please try Xpra from jessie-backports.

Not available for Raspbian.  But that's not an issue.  I can compile and
backport packages myself if necessary.  That can be part of meaningful
bug triage but shouldn't be the first, immediate and only response to
any problem in a stable release.  At least for a maintainer that cares
about quality software and user experience.

For example, you as maintainer would know if the Raspberry is simply
underpowered and 100% CPU on the simplest of tasks is to be expected
with xpra on such a host. Or you'd equally know if there had been issues
about a mix of versions of xpra causing problems for each other in the
past.  Or if you didn't know, as a good maintainer you'd be interested
to learn and find this out.  Bug triage.  Closing a ticket isn't the
most pressing concern for a good maintainer.

>> Now, I wish you a nice day.  Have fun closing tickets rather than fixing
>> problems and delivering kick-ass software as the latter does not seem to
>> be of much concern to you.
> Before jumping to conclusion you could consider submitting meaningful bug 
> report properly with enough information to troubleshoot the issue.

If you feel there wasn't enough information, you can always ask, you
know.  The most important information was there.  "Up-to-date Jessie box
talking to Trusty box causes high CPU load on the former".  Out there
for anyone who can be bothered to read.  Can you be bothered?

> Also you can consider seeking help upstream (since the problem is unlikely to 
> be Debian-specific) but you are likely to be told that 0.12.3 is an 
> unsupported version -- a something you should have known by now.

Funny, first you tell me to go downstream.  Now you tell me to go
upstream.  Well, actually you aren't really changing your message which
is "go away and don't bother me".  Fair enough.  But again, people with
that kind of attitude to users and bug triage don't make a good maintainer.

If the problem in all likelihood now isn't Debian-specific but actually
extends beyond it then why was the ticket closed?  That's not the usual

I stand by my analysis of the quality of the work you delivered in your
first reaction to this ticket.

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