On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 06:28:41PM +0100, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo wrote:
>     All receivers are marked by *. Preceding multiline message with string  
>     set in subject_string variable will make this line subject of this      
>     message.     

Thanks for the report.

>From the code it seems like it got superseded by "subject_prefix". Check
this code out:

|         variable_add(NULL, "subject_prefix", VAR_STR, 1, 
&config_subject_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL);
| [...]
|         /* czy wiadomość ma mieć temat? */
|         if (config_subject_prefix && !xstrncmp(params[1], 
config_subject_prefix, subjectlen)) {
|                 char *subtmp = xstrdup((params[1]+subjectlen)); /* obcinamy 
prefix tematu */
|                 char *tmp;
|                 /* jeśli ma więcej linijek, zostawiamu tylko pierwszą */
|                 if ((tmp = xstrchr(subtmp, 10)))
|                         *tmp = 0;
|                 subject = jabber_escape(subtmp);
|                 /* body of wiadomość to wszystko po końcu pierwszej linijki */
|                 msg = (tmp) ? jabber_escape(tmp+1) : NULL;
|                 xfree(subtmp);
|         } else
|                 msg = jabber_escape(params[1]); /* bez tematu */
| [...]
|         if (subject) {
|                 jabber_write(j, "<subject>%s</subject>", subject);
|                 xfree(subject);
|         }

Please try to use this variable, and let me know if that's what you've been
looking for (CC the bug report).

If so, then this bug should be renamed into "fix the docs".

Marcin Owsiany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             http://marcin.owsiany.pl/
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