Hi Lukas,

We generally don't advertise non DSA controlled /security/ archives, so
not having it there really is not that big of a deal, but I wanted to
ask and clarify.

Leaf servers are servers that update on a cron cycle, I.E. every x hours
(6 is our minimum), while Push-Secondary are servers that are pushed
from an upstream host.
It sounds as though you may be a leaf server. This is up to you, pushing
mirroring does provide that your copy of the archive is in sync with the
archive, there is no split or hierarchy for mirrors in the same area so
several can be leaf or pushed. We prefer pushed.

I'll update your entry and mark this as done, if you have corrections,
questions, or anything just reply and I'll take care of it.

Thank you for your support and for mirroring Debian!

Best regards,

Donald Norwood
-Debian Mirrors Team

On 06/07/2016 03:14 PM, houmles wrote:
> Hi Donald,
> I am new admin. Tomas Zvala, unfortunately, is already out of business.
> You can leave /security/ as we still mirroring it directly from 
> security.debian.org. You just don't have a column for it in your update form.
> For now we will leave a mirror as leaf. Mayber later I will look into it but 
> as there is already one primary-push mirror in CZ I think it's not necessary, 
> right?
> Lukas
> On 07/06, Donald Norwood wrote:
>> Hi Lukas,
>> To confirm:
>> Moving from Push-Secondary to Leaf.
>> Dropping all /security/
>> New upstream(s)
>> Updates 4
>> Is the maintainer still Tomas Zvala?
>> Best regards,
>> Donald Norwood
>> -Debian Mirrors Team
>> On Tue, 07 Jun 2016 13:42:56 +0000 "Lukas Krudl" <houm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Package: mirrors
>>> Severity: minor
>>> User: mirr...@packages.debian.org
>>> Usertags: mirror-list
>>> Submission-Type: update
>>> Site: mirror.dkm.cz
>>> Type: leaf
>>> Archive-architecture: ALL 
>>> Archive-ftp: /debian/
>>> Archive-http: /debian/
>>> Archive-rsync: debian/
>>> CDImage-ftp: /debian-cd/
>>> CDImage-http: /debian-cd/
>>> CDImage-rsync: debian-cd/
>>> IPv6: yes
>>> Archive-upstream: ftp.cz.debian.org
>>> CDImage-upstream: ftp.cz.debian.org
>>> Updates: four
>>> Maintainer: Lukas Krudl <houm...@gmail.com>
>>> Country: CZ Czech Republic
>>> Location: Prague, Czech Republic
>>> Sponsor: UPC Czech Republic s.r.o. https://www.upc.cz/

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