Control: tag -1 + moreinfo


On Sat, 21 May 2016 23:11:03 +0900 Sean Whitton <> 
> It is possible to run autopkgtests by invoking adt-run as an sbuild
> post-build-command, as described on the wiki.[1]  However, it would be
> better if sbuild could be configured to invoke adt-run as an independent
> stage of the build, like the stages for lintian and piuparts.

I see your point. Unfortunately, there is a big practical consideration for
which I don't see an easy solution. To be able to run autopkgtests, one needs
to have a chroot configured, needs to know which backend to use and needs to
know which distribution to use. The sbuild wiki just plainly assumes that the
user is using schroot, has a chroot configured and is always building for
unstable. But people using sbuild are neither only building for unstable, nor
do they necessarily use the schroot backend and might thus not have a
schroot-style chroot configured.

Now one could say that one could add a similar command line argument like
--piuparts-opts for piuparts or --lintian-opts for lintian. But this then would
mean that users that do not use the defaults (schroot and unstable) would have
to pass these options all the time which gets us back to the original situation
where users had to manually add a --post-build-command.

So is there an elegant way to solve this dilemma and execute adt-run with the
right options with the least amount of user intervention per build?


cheers, josch

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