On Fri, May 06 2016, Robert Luberda wrote:

> This is a side effect of using python's configparser module to write the
> new version of configuration file (Another drawback is that it loses
> comments. But in my opinion it is still better than previously, when
> `dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges' forced the prompt if the
> configuration file contained any setting not managed by debconf).

> I can skip calling ucf when the files differ by whitespaces only (i.e.
> when `diff -wB' returns no output).

> Maybe a better way of fixing this would be to add some option to ucf
> that would cause it to ignore differences in whitespaces while deciding
> if files are different; Manoj, what do you think?

        Hmm. I can certainly support something along the lines of an
 environment variable or command line option setting
 extra-diff-arguments, which can be then set (or unset) by the
 maintainer script.  I am not sure that white space differences are
 irrelevant for all configuration files, so changing current behaviour
 would have to be done carefully, but opt-in is certainly feasible.

        Please do file a wishlist bug to track this feature.

It occurred to me lately that nothing has occurred to me lately.
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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