Package: slack
Version: 0.15.2-7

Slack (the popular proprietary collaboration app and service) ships a
.deb that by default adds its own apt repository.[1] Unfortunately,
they created a naming conflict (perhaps unknowingly). Since then, it
looks like they've renamed their package to slack-desktop but kept the
old slack package as a transitional package, apparently about 9 months

In this case, perhaps an epoch would be appropriate if you want users
to be able to easily install both slack-desktop and your packaged
slack, "the configuration management program".

Jeremy Bicha

[1] deb jessie main

$ apt show slack
Package: slack
Version: 1.2.1
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Maintainer: Slack Technologies <>
Installed-Size: 25.6 kB
Depends: slack-desktop
Download-Size: 1,550 B
jessie/main amd64 Packages
Description: This package moves Slack beta users over to the released
package name, 'slack-desktop'

N: There are 11 additional records. Please use the '-a' switch to see them.
$ apt show slack-desktop
Package: slack-desktop
Version: 2.0.6
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Maintainer: Slack Technologies <>
Installed-Size: 148 MB
Depends: gconf2, gconf-service, libgtk2.0-0, libudev0 | libudev1,
libgcrypt11 | libgcrypt20, libnotify4, libxtst6, libnss3, python,
gvfs-bin, xdg-utils, apt-transport-https, libxss1
Suggests: libgnome-keyring0, gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0
Download-Size: 45.2 MB
APT-Manual-Installed: yes
jessie/main amd64 Packages
Description: Slack Desktop

N: There are 12 additional records. Please use the '-a' switch to see them.

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