On Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:02:42 +0200 (CEST)
Thorsten Glaser <t.gla...@tarent.de> wrote:

> > Thanks a lot for your report. It happen to be the harden-build flag
> > correction that caused this. I have reverted that now and will upload
> Erm… how about you fix the bug instead? The hardened build just makes
> the system reliably crash instead of unreliably use Undefined Behaviour,
> corrupt data, etc.
> > a corrected package shortly.
> You mean a security-wise broken package that may corrupt user data?

The package worked just fine for years for thousands of people before your
patch, without any reports of data corruption or undefined behavior. Now,
adding the patch renders it unusable by "making it reliably crash", it is
arguably up to YOU as the patch author to check for AND correct any arising
regressions -- not ordering other people around to correct your mess.

With respect,

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