Package: ipmitool
Version: 1.8.14-4

Hi maintainer,

When I install the ipmitool package on Jessie (either 1.8.14-4 from stable, or a local backport of 1.8.17-1 to Jessie), the ipmievd.service systemd unit starts up, even though the packaging implies the intention is that it should not start up unless explicitly enabled. I think what's happening is that the package writes out an /etc/default/ipmievd that's supposed to disable the initscript, but on a machine where init is systemd, `invoke-rc.d ipmievd start` runs the systemd unit, which doesn't look at /etc/default/ipmievd.

Since the systemd unit is not explicitly enabled, after a reboot, ipmievd isn't running. So this looks like unintentional behavior.

I'm not sure what the right fix for this is. `dh_installinit --no-start` definitely solves the problem on systems where systemd is init, but maybe you want to restart ipmievd for systems that have it enabled and are using sysvinit as init.

Geoffrey Thomas

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