
On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 07:55:34AM +0900, Sean Whitton wrote:
> As a member of the Emacs packaging team, I've had a look at this, and it
> seems fine.  Thanks Dmitry.

In an attempt to improve the output of dh-make-elpa I'm looking at
Dmitry's package again, and I came up with the following questions and
suggestions.  My apologies for not coming up with these before the
package was uploaded.

1. The /source/ package name should actually be undo-tree not
   elpa-undo-tree (team convention to use upstream's name).  Probably
   not worth changing now, but you should be aware of this for packaging
   other addons (you mentioned you wanted to package evil).

2. Is there some reason you packaged version 0.6.4?  0.6.6 is available.

3. The homepage in d/control is wrong:
   http://www.dr-qubit.org/git/undo-tree.git is just a git repository,
   not a webpage.  It should be
   <http://www.dr-qubit.org/tags/computing-code-emacs.html> (my script
   got this mostly right!).

   I've gone ahead and fixed this in the team repo.

4. Please apply a PGP-signed tag to the correct commit in the team
   repo.  Then it will appear correctly on PET.[1]

[1] https://pet.debian.net/pkg-emacsen/pet.cgi

Sean Whitton

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