Hello Jerome,

> You are right.
> Meanwhile I added an entry in my TODO list concerning this package.
> I also noticed that there is two flag-file on my box: I would say that one is 
> enough,
> but I cannot say more right now because I am not familiar with this part of 
> the code.
> (In the past, I mainly add new key types support)

I downloaded the pam-ssh module and gave it a quick look: it would
seem that there is one general flag-file per user, _plus_ one
flag-file per login (so if you log in in two ttys you'd have three
flag files).

Also I see that the flag files to store the information about the
agent PID and socket location, so it should be relatively easy for
pam-ssh to check if the agent in question is actually running.

Thanks again for your time,

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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