
Sandro Knauß wrote:
> with QtCore 5.6.1-2 the test of owncloud-client fails for kfreebsds
> archs with:
> PASS   : TestFileSystem::initTestCase()
> QWARN  : TestFileSystem::testMd5Calc() QProcessPrivate::createPipe:
> Cannot create pipe 0x805c6b4: Function not implemented
> QDEBUG : TestFileSystem::testMd5Calc() File:
> "/tmp/test_1063922729/file_a.bin"
> QDEBUG : TestFileSystem::testMd5Calc() calculated
> "d42aa14361a6c0ad4d2f9f7ecac57d15" versus md5sum: ""
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=owncloud-client&arch=kfreebsd-i386&ver=2.2.1%2Bdfsg-2&stamp=1466599432

That seemed to only be on kfreebsd-i386?  Which is odd.

On kfreebsd-amd64, I couldn't reproduce it, and it passed on the buildds
using libqt5core5a 5.5.1+dfsg-17 also:

|       Start 33: FileSystemTest
| 33/36 Test #33: FileSystemTest ...................   Passed    0.05 sec
| [..]
| 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 36

Steven Chamberlain

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