On 27/06/16 12:55, Alexandre Viau wrote:
> Hello Tomas,
> Do you have any updates on packaging OpenDHT?

Hi Alexandre,
no, not really, frankly, I don't remember even if I did some work or
not... I think that there was a nasty blocker, but cannot recall
anything precise.

> I am currently ad DebCamp and I would have time to work on it.

Feel free to do some work. :)
I'll be at Debconf, btw, we can work on that together, if you want.

> Is there a repository where I can help?

Not really. I may have worked on that a bit before, but whatever I had
is apparently gone from my home directory.

> Cheers,
> -- 
> Alexandre Viau
> av...@debian.org


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