Hi Axel,

thanks for your quick reply!

> Probably because of the Debian package being so outdated, I didn't
> notice that it was considered obsolete when I used it for
> dh-dist-zilla as the warning referenced above is quite clear. Will
> probably change dh-dist-zilla to Getopt::Long.
> The only other two reverse dependencies left seem cil and
> fusionforge-plugin-globalsearch. Maybe upstream of these packages can
> be convinced to switch over to Getopt::Long, then we perhaps can remove
> libgetopt-mixed-perl from Debian completely.

That would be great indeed. Just to clarify, I just came to look at this
issue because roary ([1] which I maintain) was set to be autoremoved
from testing, but now that I take a closer look it seems that it only
transitively depended on libgetopt-mixed-perl via dh-dist-zilla so the
autoremoval problem should be resolved by your latest upload there.

>> My changes are currently formatted as NMU,
> Some nitpicks, though:
> "Switch to debhelper" is a very confusing changelog entry as
> debian/rules was using debhelper before, too, just in a different
> style. Should probably be something like "Switch to minimal dh style"
> or "Switch to minimal dh v7 style" (as that style was IIRC introduced
> with debhelper v7) or so.

True, thanks!

> I don't get this commit:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/satta/libgetopt-mixed-perl.git/commit/?id=e281abe0d912b0aeca731fbc93f958fa8bf71fbd
> #817532 already has been fixed as part of my NMU which you already have
> in your git repository:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/satta/libgetopt-mixed-perl.git/commit/?id=8a269f264619ba0f215a72d523f295bfcd2b1988

Nevermind that commit message, I figured I made that change and just
forgot to document it %/
I worked on an earlier source version of the package before importing
everything into a fresh Git repo.

> And something you likely didn't know: The Debian Perl Team prefers
> links to metacpan.org instead of search.cpan.org as Homepage header,
> e.g. https://metacpan.org/release/Getopt-Mixed instead of
> http://search.cpan.org/~cjm/Getopt-Mixed/.

No problem.

>> has anyone already contacted the current maintainer directly?
> Nope. Feel free to do so. You might want to Cc the MIA team when doing
> so. See /srv/qa.debian.org/mia/README on qa.debian.org and
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MIA#You_know_someone_who_seems_MIA

Well, with Roary's autoremoval sorted out, I am not so sure any more I
want to be volunteering to maintain this library for good. I'd have
taken over the job to keep Roary in but I'm happy to be able to focus my
energy elsewhere. I'll notify the original maintainer of my work and
point him at my repo, keeping the MIA team CC'd in.

Thanks again for getting in touch and for updating dh-dist-zilla!


[1] https://packages.qa.debian.org/r/roary.html

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