Am 05.07.2016 um 16:47 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
my setups work as you expected.
Please check the settings for Icedove Settings in

Menu -> Edit -> Preferences -> Attachments; Incomming -> Content Type 'PDF File'

There you have probably 'Save File' selected.

I have not, if I had icedove wouldn't ask...

I took a look at these settings and actually found two associations for PDF files. One is labeled "application/pdf: .pdf", the other "application/force-download: .pdf". Both were initially set to "Always ask".

I found out that "application/pdf" is applied to all *received* mails with PDF attachments, whereas "application/force-download" is used when *writing* a message. If I change "application/force-download" from the default to e.g. "evince", then it works as expected.

This is not unusual since "application/force-download" is not meant to be opened with any application. The question is, why is icedove/thunderbird using the MIME type application/force-download in this case?

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