Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
Control: severity -1 important
Control: retitle -1 unison fails to synchronize FS modified under Windows


According to the documentation, only file timestamps are
used, not directory timestamps, and fastchecks can be disabled:

I'm reducing the severity to “important”, given that:
- the issue only occurs in a very specific corner-case:
  a FS modified under Windows is subsequently mounted on Linux
  and synchronized from there (with the default fastcheck setting);
- the issue can be easily worked around by disabling fastcheck.

I tested using a Windows 8 VM and a FAT32 volume that I shared with
my Linux host, and was able to synchronize properly with fastcheck

Could you confirm that this was the issue you encountered (your initial
bug report was a bit unclear) and that disabling fastcheck indeed solves



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