* Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> [160708 15:31]:
> for some time I've been uploading packages with Maintainer set to a
> mailing list and no Uploaders field.  In cases where some package kind
> of fit within a team, but noone cares specifically about that individual
> package, I feel it's better than setting Maintainer to the Debian QA
> Group, which policy currently says is required, since the team will get
> bug mail, and any updates to the package will probably come from the
> team anyway.  So I'd like to see this requirement relaxed.

I also want to see this. It makes lots of sense, especially for
teams maintaining very large numbers of packages. Honestly, the
individual package does not carry heavy weight in some of those
teams. At the same time, many packages carry old Uploaders,
including names of people that have long been known to be MIA, and
are kept there only to avoid setting an empty Uploaders field.

These packages are clearly not not-maintained (teams care about
them), so orphaning or assinging to Debian QA Group would make no
sense whatsoever. (Also, as far as I'm aware, the large teams are
all very open for anybody to join.)

 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org>
: :' :  Debian Developer
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