Control: retitle -1 Cannot rename files when a scrollbar is displayed with a 
theme other than Adwaita

This bug also happens in icon view with a side scrollbar. In fact, as
soon as a scrollbar appears, renaming a file won't work, and as soon as
it disappears, renaming works again.

(it's likely unrelated to the various Launchpad bugs about nautilus and
its forks unable to rename files, they were in fact caused by ibus,
which is not even installed on my sid box).

To reproduce :

- create a folder

- fill it with a bunch of files, enough to make a scrollbar appear,
something like:

COUNTER=1 ; while [ $COUNTER -le 100 ] ; do touch $COUNTER ;
COUNTER=$((COUNTER+1)) ; done

- try to rename a file, either with a right click or by pressing F2:
nothing happens.

- gradually remove files until the scrollbar disappears

- renaming works again

But guess what ? The best part is... The bug doesn't appear with Adwaita
theme !

At the risk of being perceived as a troll again (see #773915), the Gnome
devs are really succeeding in making all non-Gnome GTK programs unusable
(latest example: virt-viewer with spice and "Auto-resize VM with window"
now always displays scrollbars, making the edge of the guest display
hidden behind them). GTK 3.x broke so many things, so many times, that I
just gave up reporting bugs caused by it (the last ones I did were
against mate-themes when MATE 1.14 was released in sid).

Why did the Debian MATE packagers decide to switch to a GTK3 build ?
Upstream still use GTK2 as default...


Raphaël Halimi

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