On Mon, 2016-07-11 at 11:46 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> > I wonder whether there are other reasons why epoll_ctl can report EINVAL?
> The syscall source code is at http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/fs/eventp
> ol
> l.c#L1849 and it seems EINVAL is used as a default error case at various
> places, so maybe.
> > 
> > I also wonder whether the new lightdm is starting dbus-launch with a
> > different value for some arbitrary kernel limit, or whether your previous
> > session leaked some fds resulting in dbus-launch coming up with 90% of
> > an arbitrary limit already in use, or something like that?
> For what it's worth, after closing the first session there's no process
> running under my uid. I'll try to check the limits in 75dbus to see if they
> differ.

Some more investigation: I've done a bisect in lightdm and the offending
commit is https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/1.18/revision/231
9 which is a somehow large refactoring, I didn't yet identify what could be
the problem there (but reported that upstream as well).

I've checked the currently opened file descriptors when when starting the
session (I've added an ls -l /proc/self/fd in 75dbus..) and here are the
results (don't bother about the PIDs, the “first” login was after a lightdm
restart after the “second” login).

For the first login:

+ ls -l /proc/self/fd
total 0
lr-x------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 0 -> /dev/null
l-wx------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 1 -> /home/corsac/.xsession-errors
l-wx------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 2 -> /home/corsac/.xsession-errors
lr-x------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 3 -> /proc/30014/fd

For the second:

+ ls -l /proc/self/fd
total 0
lr-x------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 0 -> /proc/29846/fd
l-wx------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 1 -> /home/corsac/.xsession-errors
l-wx------ 1 corsac corsac 64 Jul 11 12:56 2 -> /home/corsac/.xsession-errors

So it seems stdin is closed for the second login. Could it break dbus-
launch/dbus-daemon somehow?



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