Control: severity -1 serious

On Thu, 14 Jul 2016, Santiago Vila wrote:
> I have the ok from the Release Managers to consider this issue as RC
> for stretch. I'm going to wait at least one week before raising
> this to "serious".

I've gone ahead and made it serious anyway; the fix seems pretty simple.

Although it's kind of a silly bug for lilypond, because lilypond
requires the architecture dependent pieces to be built before it can
build the architecture independent package. But that's probably a fairly
common issue for packages anyway.

[It won't be fixed for a while in unstable, because the current stable
release of lilypond requires a version of guile which is no longer
included in the archive. Hopefully a newer stable release of lilypond
will be made before we freeze for squeeze.]

Don Armstrong            

Herodotus says, "Very few things happen at the right time, and the
rest do not happen at all. The conscientious historian will correct
these defects".
 -- Mark Twain _A Horse's Tail_

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