Hi Pierre,

On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 09:42:51AM +0200, Pierre Chifflier wrote:
> I have applied your patch and build the package successfully. However, I
> got a lot of lintian errors related to the profile:

Oh, that's a step I didn't do indeed, though many of these are at least
partially false positives.

> Now running lintian...
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-build-profiles-field
> nopython python-cap-ng
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-build-profiles-field
> nopython python3-cap-ng

All of the "invalid-profile-name-*" errors are due to lintian not having
followed the progress of profiles. They will disappear over time.

The reason being that the <nopython> profile (along with a set of other
profiles) is a pretty recent development[1] in Debian terms. In fact,
libcap-ng is the first package that I am submitting a patch with this
new profile for. I could have simply called it <stage1>, but as
explained in [1], I believe that <nopython> makes much more sense.

> W: libcap-ng source:
> restriction-formula-without-versioned-dpkg-dev-dependency

I still believe that this lintian warning is bogus, because whenever
your dpkg-dev is too old, it will be unable to tell you that it is too
old failing to parse Build-Depends. In other words, there is no
reasonable scenario where the supposedly missing dependency can result
in useful diagnostics. It is always satisfied even in jessie anyway.
You'd only notice for wheezy-backports-sloppy. From my pov, this is just
wasted developer time.

If you disagree, just add the suggested dependency. Maybe arguing
against the warnings is even more wastage than just following it.

> W: libcap-ng source:
> restriction-formula-with-debhelper-without-debhelper-version
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation nopython
> [build-depends: dh-python <!nopython>]
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation nopython
> [build-depends: swig <!nopython>]
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation nopython
> [build-depends: python-all-dev <!nopython>]
> E: libcap-ng source: invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation nopython
> [build-depends: python3-dev <!nopython>]
> W: libcap-ng source:
> restriction-formula-without-versioned-dpkg-dev-dependency
> W: libcap-ng source:
> restriction-formula-with-debhelper-without-debhelper-version

All of these are just repetitions of the two above.

> I am running an up to date sid, but it seems the nopython profile is
> missing. Is that expected ?

Yes. The current plan is gaining more experience in which profiles are
useful exactly and then update lintian. It just happens that libcap-ng
is one of the first victims.

The next victims will be libprelude (either stage1 or noperl and
nopython), audit (nopython), cdebconf (unclear).

I hope you can still bear the load of this patch. I spent long hours
trying to avoid it, but it seems that one cannot cross bootstrap
essential without breaking this. Maybe when perl and python mature their
cross compilation support, we can reconsider.

If you have any other questions, just ask.


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