
if I manually install syslinux-utils and run "isohybrid -u live.iso", live.iso is updated in place and boot loading appears to work correctly as a CDROM, BIOS, or UEFI. My expectation was that "lwr" would perform this step, as live-build "lb" does.

Note that I then encounter a kernel panic caused by missing live scripts:

Bug#831637: live-wrapper: kernel panic: Can't open /scripts/live

$ xorriso -indev live.iso -report_el_torito plain -report_system_area plain
xorriso 1.4.4 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

xorriso : NOTE : Loading ISO image tree from LBA 0
xorriso : UPDATE : 260 nodes read in 1 seconds
xorriso : NOTE : Detected El-Torito boot information which currently is set to be discarded
Drive current: -indev 'live.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is written , is appendable
Boot record  : El Torito , MBR isohybrid cyl-align-on GPT
Media summary: 1 session, 72751 data blocks,  142m data, 11.7g free
Volume id    : 'ISOIMAGE'
El Torito catalog  : 77  1
El Torito cat path : /boot/isolinux/
El Torito images   :   N  Pltf  B   Emul  Ld_seg  Hdpt  Ldsiz         LBA
El Torito boot img :   1  BIOS  y   none  0x0000  0x00      4         286
El Torito boot img :   2  UEFI  y   none  0x0000  0x00    832          78
El Torito img path :   1  /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin
El Torito img opts :   1  boot-info-table isohybrid-suitable
El Torito img path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img
System area options: 0x00000102
System area summary: MBR isohybrid cyl-align-on GPT
ISO image size/512 : 291132
Partition offset   : 0
MBR heads per cyl  : 64
MBR secs per head  : 32
MBR partition table:   N Status  Type        Start       Blocks
MBR partition      :   1   0x80  0x00            0       292864
MBR partition      :   2   0x00  0xef          312          832
MBR partition path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img
GPT                :   N  Info
GPT disk GUID      :      16dd6fb8162c1442a12605e95e0172d3
GPT entry array    :      2  128  overlapping
GPT lba range      :      34  292830  292863
GPT partition name : 1 490053004f004800790062007200690064002000490053004f00
GPT partname local :   1  ISOHybrid ISO
GPT partition GUID :   1  6f2947ade4d36545836d80b257b73ce7
GPT type GUID      :   1  a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7
GPT partition flags:   1  0x0000000000000000
GPT start and size :   1  0  291132
GPT partition name :   2  490053004f00480079006200720069006400
GPT partname local :   2  ISOHybrid
GPT partition GUID :   2  f834fc245dcc6f428393c160cfec04ce
GPT type GUID      :   2  a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7
GPT partition flags:   2  0x0000000000000000
GPT start and size :   2  312  832
GPT partition path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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