On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:17:07PM +0200, Benoît Ganne wrote:
> >> please consider the note in the message #27 about making GDB logs.
> >>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=829188#27
> > I restarted it with LANG= gdb -ex 'handle SIGPIPE nostop' -ex 'handle
> > SIGSTOP nostop' -ex 'run' --args /usr/lib/icedove/icedove --safe-mode
> > I'll post the result in a few days...
> Sorry for spamming but I am unsure about something: when using
> '/usr/lib/icedove/run-mozilla.sh -g /usr/lib/icedove/icedove-bin' etc. it
> does not disable the extensions (esp. iceowl).
> What would be the most valuable? Using the run-mozilla.sh etc. as per the
> wiki, or should I also disable extensions (--safe-mode)?
> Again, as it is long to reproduce, I'd like to give you the most useful
> information...

The need for disabling extensions depends on the crash szenario.
Current problems are not related to any plugins I believe, otoh running
Icedove with disabled extensions make it clear the crashes happen inside
So appending '--safe-mode' to the options of icedove-bin is just fine.
For example with the following comand.

  LANG= /usr/lib/icedove/run-mozilla.sh -g /usr/lib/icedove/icedove-bin 
--safe-mode 2>&1 | tee /tmp/icedove-gdb-$(apt-cache show icedove | grep Version 
| awk '{ print $2 }')_$(date +%F_%T).log


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