Hi, I did some work to try to confirm/verify/extend the list of issues already identified by Santiago Vila, and ran into this bug.
The full list of affected packages is: android-platform-libcore android-platform-tools-base apache-pom classycle closure-compiler commons-parent cup findbugs-bcel gentlyweb-utils geronimo-osgi-support gradle-jflex-plugin gradle-plugin-protobuf gradle-propdeps-plugin graxxia groovycsv hsqldb icu4j-4.2 icu4j insubstantial isorelax jakarta-taglibs-standard jansi jansi-native jcifs jflex jhighlight josql junit jython kxml2 libcommons-lang-java libfreemarker-java libgpars-groovy-java libibatis-java libjackson-json-java libjava-jdbc-clojure libjbcrypt-java libjdom1-java libjdom2-java libjt400-java libkryo-java libminlog-java libmnemonicsetter-java libreflectasm-java librelaxng-datatype-java libsmali-java libtools-logging-clojure libtools-macro-clojure lombok lombok-ast maven-parent mockito parboiled pegdown plexus-classworlds2 polyglot-maven proguard projectreactor qdox scala scala-parser-combinators scala-xml simple-http spock wsdl4j So, it would make sense to fix that bug on the maven-repo-helper side, rather than require changes to each of those packages individually. Once the issue is fixed in maven-repo-helper, those packages should be build-tested again (I can do that if needed; please ping me). Lucas