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El dg 17 de 07 de 2016 a les 00:23 +0200, Javier Serrano Polo va
> a third way is at
> build time with a build profile named "clean" (or "dirty") in

The solution with "clean" is the simplest to implement, keeping the
behavior of setting Built-For-Profiles by default.
--- a/scripts/	2016-07-04 11:00:33.000000000 +0000
+++ b/scripts/	2016-07-22 20:38:47.000000000 +0000
@@ -298,7 +298,9 @@
-$fields->{'Built-For-Profiles'} = join ' ', get_build_profiles();
+my @build_profiles = get_build_profiles();
+$fields->{'Built-For-Profiles'} = join ' ', @build_profiles
+    unless any { $_ eq 'clean' } @build_profiles;
 for my $f (qw(Package Version Architecture)) {
     error(g_('missing information for output field %s'), $f)

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