
On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 01:32:57PM -0400, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:

> coq-float and why cannot build under Coq 8.5, leading to two FTBFS bugs.
> (Note: This is about why, not why3)
> I confirmed that (beyond some mild build-system breakage) the issues
> are due to changes in Coq, and neither are still maintained upstream.
> As such, I would like to suggest we delete those packages:
> they are not buildable anymore, are not maintained anymore,
> and taking up maintainership ourselves sounds like a losing proposal.

Why also does not compile with the current vesion of why3. I talked 
to why upstream about this a few days ago. There will be a new upstream
release of why soon which will fix this. I suspect this will also 
fix compilation whith coq-8.5.

I also asked him whether it stills makes sense to maintain a package
for why and was told that yes, since why3 does not yet support
interfaces to frama-c and krakakoa. 

I don't know about coq-float, though.


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