Le 24/07/2016 à 17:45, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> I can reproduce what's in your screen cast. Every single version of PyQSci I 
> try does exactly that regardless of Python version, Qt (4 or 5) version, or 
> QScintilla version.

I already reassigned to bug to SciTE, since the same issue appears with
SciTE (and SciTE is THE app using the Scintilla lib).

> I think your screen cast shows normal behavior.

Definitely not. When typing characters, the cursor should visually be
right after the character typed, at max a few pixels on the right. In
the screencast, we can see that the cursor gets further away from the
typed character each time. After a string of a dozen characters, the
cursor seems to be very far in void space, while it should be right
after the last letter.
>From what I observed, certain letters do positive offset (cursor goes
further on the right), while some letters do negative offset (cursor
goes further on the left)...

I can't say exactly when this regression started, but it was probably
within the few previous weeks on unstable. I can say that Scintilla and
QScintilla don't show the problem on stable.

> I don't think your test case demonstrates it's a QScintilla problem.

Agreed, the report has been reassigned to SciTE.

However, it's worth nothing that using a monospaced font (Ctrl+F11 in
SciTE, or adding "sci.setFont(QFont('monospace'))" in the example python
script) may give a normal result, i.e. no offset incrementally moving
away the cursor from its character.
Unexplainably, on my machine, it also depends on the desktop used
(problems with XFCE, no bug with fluxbox/openbox).

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