control: owner -1 !
control: tags -1 moreinfo
>  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "vim-lastplace"

1) please use for debian copyright the same license as upstream if possible

(this makes easier to forward patches)

2) I'm not sure about the directories and installation path

│   ├── vim-lastplace
│   │   ├── DEBIAN
│   │   │   ├── control
│   │   │   └── md5sums
│   │   └── usr
│   │       └── share
│   │           ├── doc
│   │           │   └── vim-lastplace
│   │           │       ├── changelog.Debian.gz
│   │           │       ├── copyright
│   │           │       ├── README.Debian
│   │           │       └──
│   │           └── vim
│   │               ├── addons
│   │               │   ├── doc
│   │               │   │   └── lastplace.txt
│   │               │   │       └── vim-lastplace.txt
│   │               │   └── plugin
│   │               │       └── lastplace.vim
│   │               │           └── vim-lastplace.vim
│   │               └── registry
│   │                   └── vim-lastplace.yaml

apt-get install check-all-the-things

# check if these can be switched to https://
$ grep -rF http: .

I will probably enjoy the package if you can fix/look at the above!



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