On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 03:53:29AM -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:
> First of all, thanks very much for the prompt reply!
> I'll try it again in sid and stretch, but it was there the last time I looked.
> The problem is not getting dhcpclient to give ntp servers.  I've put hard 
> coded ipv4 addresses in /etc/default/ntpdate, so that's not it.
> The problem is that the network interface is not fully available when ntpdate 
> runs.  I think this is because dhcpclient has not provided an IP address for 
> the interface yet.
> Here's a snatch from journalctl that shows the problem in jessie:

It's even saying that ntpdate is running before networking is
even started.  That makes no sense at all, and I have no idea
what's starting it, but the only thing I know that should run it
is /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate  It seems to me that we get called
too early.


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