
On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 10:53:39AM +0200, Sebastian Harl wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 11:16:29PM +0200, Antoine Sirinelli wrote:
> > Since the latest security update, collected cannot load anymore the
> > network plugin. Since this plugin is used to transfer the measurements
> > to other hosts, it makes collectd completely useless for me.
> > 
> > Here is the error messages:
> > 
> > network plugin: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS) failed: Not supported
> > Initialization of plugin `network' failed with status -1. Plugin will be 
> > unloaded.
> Thanks for reporting this. That failure is a regression in
> 5.1.0-3+deb7u1 but it seems to have surfaced an actual (potentially
> severe) underlying issue that already existed before. It's specific to
> Wheezy.
> Just before the collectd error messages, you should see the following in
> syslog:
> Libgcrypt warning: missing initialization - please fix the application
> What happens is that gcrypt (apparently) is initialized before the call
> to gcry_control(GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS). Since that call is then trying
> to change the settings in an unsupported way (cannot change threading
> behavior after initialization), we're seeing this error.
> Now, the actual problem is that this means gcrypt is not initialized
> correctly. Given the multi-threaded nature of collectd, I believe that
> this may potentially mean undefined behavior or crashes in the gcrypt
> code in the network plugin.
> I'll need to dig further into why this is happening in the first place
> (why is gcrypt already initialized at this point?).

I believe the initialization happens during collectd's configuration
phase. The following upstream commit (which is part of the releases in
Jessie and onwards) fixes the issue:


Sebastian "tokkee" Harl +++ GnuPG-ID: 0x2F1FFCC7 +++ http://tokkee.org/

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.         -- Benjamin Franklin

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