control: tag -1 +moreinfo
control: owner -1 !

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your work to bring this new package to Debian!  I can't
sponsor the upload, but I hope this review is useful to you.

I've split it into two sections: things that I would consider must-fixes
before an upload to Debian, and suggested improvements.  The latter
aren't strictly necessary, but they would help demonstrate to a
potential sponsor that you are committed to maintaining this package in

=== Must-fixes

1. The clean target isn't idempotent.  I.e. if you try to run
`debian/rules clean` when the package is already clean, it fails.

2. Please add proper headers to your patches, preferably in DEP-3
format.  The most important thing is to explain why the patch is
necessary.  You can also use the Forwarded: header to indicate that the
patches are Debian-specific or not.

3. debian/changelog contains a spurious space :)

4. These lintian informational warnings should be fixed or overriden
with explanations for why the warning is a false positive:

    I: chapel-minimal: hardening-no-pie usr/lib/chapel/bin/linux32/chpl
    I: chapel-minimal: hardening-no-bindnow usr/lib/chapel/bin/linux32/chpl
    I: chapel-minimal: hardening-no-fortify-functions 

5. The UTF-8 decoder needs to be packaged separately -- Debian strongly
discourages convenience copies of code.  It might already be packaged
for Debian, or you might have to prepare another RFS.

6. Your package is "inadequate" -- don't worry, it just means that it
fails the tests performed by the adequate(1) tool.  Please see if you
can fix them, or explain why they shouldn't/can't be fixed:

    chapel-minimal: broken-symlink /usr/bin/chpl -> 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 
    chapel-minimal: py-file-not-bytecompiled 

I think these might be due to PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 in d/rules.
Perhaps you could add a comment to the rules file explaining why you
need that setting.

7. The package is not compliant with the FHS.  Almost everything is
installed into /usr/lib/chapel, plus a symlink from /usr/bin/chpl into
/usr/lib/chapel (only to the 64-bit version?).  The main executable
needs to be installed into /usr/bin/chpl.  Please take a look at Debian
policy section 9.1.1 and install the files appropriately.

8. Hint for the previous item: check out dh_installchangelogs(1),
dh_installdocs(1) and dh_installexamples(1).

9. As discussed on IRC, missing-sources is meant to be a directory
containing the missing sources, not a list of the things that are
missing.  You need source code for everything in your package.

10. You seem to be using dh_python2 but nothing gets installed to
/usr/lib/python2/dist-packages.  Is this deliberate?

11. I'm not an expert on multi-arch issues but this package seems to be
targeted only at 32-bit and 64-bit Linux machines, just from looking at
the 'linux32' and 'linux64' directories you have a lot of.  Debian
supports lots of other architectures, and the package should work on
those.  Is that something that can be fixed?

=== Suggested improvements

1. It would be nice to have some paragraph breaks in the extended

2. You could add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browse fields to d/control.

There are probably more improvements that you could make but it is hard
to review the package because of items 7--11 above.  So I'll leave you
with these things to work on for now and then take another look :)

Sean Whitton

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