
I finally had a chance to try this myself on stretch.

Mumble 1.2.x expects C++03, but g++ 6 defaults to C++11/C++14 (not sure which).

We (upstream) don't explicitly pass -std=c++03 to g++ -- so we let the
compiler choose.

I just tested building Mumble with an explicit -std=c++03 flags. That
makes it build and link correctly.
So I consider that to be the fix. (And we'll add it to an upcoming
Mumble 1.2.x release).

Now, with that said, since Mumble 1.2.x seems to build just fine in in
C++11 (or greater) mode.
Just for the record, If I add the c++11 lib dir, it also works in C++11 mode:

--- compiler.pri
+++ compiler.pri
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ unix {
        QMAKE_LFLAGS   *= $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS)
        QMAKE_CFLAGS *= -Wfatal-errors -fvisibility=hidden
        QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -Wfatal-errors -fvisibility=hidden
+       QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -std=c++11
+       QMAKE_LIBDIR = *= /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++11
        !CONFIG(quiet-build-log) {
                QMAKE_CFLAGS *= -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wsign-compare
                QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -Wshadow -Woverloaded-virtual
-Wold-style-cast -Wconversion -Wsign-compare

But I consider -std=c++03 to the correct fix, since Mumble 1.2.x
wasn't written with C++11 or greater in mind.

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