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Dixit Michael Biebl, le 10/07/2016 :

>The upstart init system has been removed from unstable/testing, so it
>looks like it won't be part of the upcoming stretch release.
>I raised this issue on debian-devel [1] and one recommendation was,
>that this fact should be mentioned in the release notes. We should
>suggest that users switch to a supported alternative because
>post-stretch it's likely that maintainers start removing native
>upstart jobs.

I write a section about it and I put it in the end of the Issues
Please comment and correct. 
(I could commit in some weeks if nobody disagree)

Index: issues.dbk
--- issues.dbk	(révision 11269)
+++ issues.dbk	(copie de travail)
@@ -347,6 +347,20 @@
+  <section id="upstart-removed">
+    <title>Upstart removed</title>
+    <para>Due to the lack of upstream maintainers,
+      the Upstart init system has been removed from &Releasename;.
+      If your system relies on this package, you should note that it will not be updated
+      during the lifetime of &debian; &release;, 
+      and starting from &debian; &nextrelase; (&Nextreleasename;),
+      upstart jobs could be removed from packages.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      You should also consider a switch to a supported init system, like systemd or openrc.
+    </para>
+  </section>

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