在 2016年8月17日星期三 CST 上午7:31:07,您写道:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 12:35:36PM +0800, Zhang Jingqiang wrote:
> >   With the morden gpg, `apt-key list` wont't list keyid.
> >   Replace the --fingerprint param with --list-sigs may be a temp solution.
> That is correct, but what is the problem?
The problem is that `apt-key del` need a keyid
> If there is a valid reason you really really really really really really
> have to: "apt-key finger --keyid-format=long Debian" works for the time
> being (see gpg manpage about this option), but you should really get
> used to fingerprints.
I think this is worth to be methioned in apt-key's help/man doc.

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