
> I guess something is wrong with $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. I'll
> investigate and get back to you.

This all fixed itself with the security update and some configuration tricks.

Sorry for the noise.


For the record, I use :

Alias /subdir /usr/share/phpmyadmin
ProxyPassMatch  "^/subdir/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$"
<Location /subdir>
    Require all granted

and uwsgi phpmyadmin.ini :

plugins = 0:php

project_dir = /usr/share/phpmyadmin
chdir = %(project_dir)
php-docroot = %(project_dir)
php-index = index.php

plugins = router_rewrite
route = ^/subdir/(.*) rewrite:/$1

buffer-size = 8192

# PHP sessions storage
cache2 = 
php-set = session.save_handler=uwsgi
php-set = session.save_path=sessions

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