On Fri, 2016-08-19 at 00:26 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> And please don't feel stupid for doing what you did: I can understand
> that it was not clear to you which file was important in reproducing
> the issue. So don't worry.
Well, it was really stupid ^^ while I didn't check exactly which file
is related, it was pretty clear to me that a purge/reinstall would
likely clean up any local garbage (unless the problem was triggered by
some bad data received directly from the BTS)... so I knew better.
Probably I hoped more the later problem wa the case.

> Needless to say, feel free to reopen it, in case the misbehavior
> happens again and you have a copy of the
> file /var/lib/apt-listbugs/ignore_bugs needed to reproduce it.

Sure,.. thanks :)


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