On Thursday, August 11 2016, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:

> So as a workaround, remove oneself from the 'video' /etc/groups group,
> and login again. Now midori works fine. (Not sure if doing so will
> affect other programs...)

Well, removing yourself from the video group will most likely forbid you
to use hardware acceleration, which makes me even more suspicious that
the problem is happening because of the nouveau driver.

I seem to remember that you're using the experimental Midori package,
which is compiled against GTK-3.  Are you running any other GTK-3
program aside Midori?

BTW, testing Midori (or any program, for that matter) using the user
'nobody' is not a good idea, as this user does not have a $HOME set up.
For Midori, what you can do is instruct it to ignore your default
configuration files, by specifying the '-c' parameter with a temporary
config folder, like:

  $ midori -c /tmp/temporary-midori-config-folder

If you really want to test running it with another user, I'd recommend
setting up a test user on your system instead, with a proper $HOME.


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