For what it's worth, the workaround I described

    $ rm .config/kdenliverc

basically seems to have fixed another bug.

Here's what happened:

    $ export MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=-GL_ARB_draw_indirect ; kdenlive

      kdenlive->File->Open recent->(a kdenlive project)

      kdenlive->mute a track's audio

      move the mouse pointer to about 3 minutes on
      kdenlive's time line and click

      play the project starting at that point
      (if I recall correctlym by pressing the key
      board's space bar)

      It plays back in the preview monitor for a
      few seconds, then freezes.

      An error message *somewhat* *like*

        nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: Invalid argument 
        nouveau: ch3: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 1 relocs 0
        nouveau: ch3: buf 00000000 0000000b 00000006 00000006 00000000

      appeared on the console, and

        [883948.153199] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: kdenlive[16711]: multiple 
instances of buffer 36 on validation list
        [883948.153208] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: kdenlive[16711]: validate_init
        [883948.153210] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: kdenlive[16711]: validate: -22

      appeared in dmesg.

I'm happy to report

    a.) moving kdenlive's config file with

            $ mv .config/kdenliverc tmp

        seems to have worked around this bug too,

    b.) I saved a copy of the config file.

My question?

Is there somethink like "lint"[1] that can check
kdenliverc files for corruption?

It seems to me that knowing which part of my
kdenliverc is corrupted might facilitate fixing
a bug or two.


[1] Lint (software)

Time is the fire in which we all burn.

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