> Well, I'm not really sure about how the HEAD problem happened, i thought it
> was how we were supposed to work (although i would find it better to have
> the HEAD properly set). I created the git following our team's
> instructions[1] and it looks like we have at least one more package with
> this problem (hashcat), from the other email you sent on the team's list i
> bet this is affecting more then two of our packages.

Indeed, it looks like the default settings for HEAD are wrong in the
team's repository, or something like that.

> I just pushed the upstream tags, considering the debian tags, i'm aware
> that i can only tag it when we're ready for release.
> Regarding the rest of the hints, i believe i applied them all and git push
> everything, i'm sorry for making some silly mistakes, i did not paid enough
> attention to some things like the changelog change that dch have made when
> i switched my DEBFULLNAME.
> I'm used to work with lintian (with pedantic and experimental flags
> enabled), cowbuild, piuparts and licensecheck, i'm gonna look through the
> other ones you mentioned and start using them too, some days ago i did see
> something about building a reproducible build environment too, what i
> believe it would be nice to have in our team's package (reproducibility).

No problem ! I just wanted to give you some advices so you can do less
mistakes next time and, more generally, improve the quality of your work. ;)

I'll have a last look at the package tomorrow and upload it if everything is

             Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
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