On Fri, 26 Aug 2016 08:50:13 -0400 Sam Hartman wrote:
> I think we want to reaffirm that policy section 9.3.2 and section
> represent current policy for init scripts, quoting particularly the
> following text from section 9.3.2:
>      Packages that include daemons for system services should place
>      in `/etc/init.d' to start or stop services at boot time or
during a
>      change of runlevel.

Does this really represent current policy?

As far as I can tell Policy still assumes that sysvinit is the default
init system and everything else is an "alternate init system" (9.11).

I don't think Policy in its current form should be reaffirmed, but
should be updated to the current time instead. It should certainly
reflect that we changed the default init system some time ago (note
that Policy doesn't mention systemd anywhere).

(Related to that, Policy currently requires *all* packages to ship
sysvinit scripts that integrate with any alternative init system which
I am fairly sure also isn't current policy...)


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