On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 3:18 AM, Santiago Vila <sanv...@unex.es> wrote:
> severity 831240 important
> reopen 831240
> On Thu, 21 Jul 2016, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
>> I recently discovered that the official Debian images on AWS EC2 include
>> some sysctl tunings (see
>> https://github.com/andsens/bootstrap-vz/pull/256/commits/06da309895f69573996a4c1ff027f999155b876b#diff-43081b58ccf1565f80325d26c36d7c57R18
>> )
>> It seems that one of those caused that failure, because, now that I have
>> them disabled, it does not fail anymore.
>> I'm closing this bug, sorry for the noise.
> Hmm. Failure to build from source is still a bug.

Indeed, I would like to debug this some more (against latest
gperftools). Can somebody provide some instructions how to get that
AWS image necessary for reproduction ?

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