
I tried to replace all the occurrences of getfuncargvalue in the package, and this removes a lot of errors.
However, there are still some left, apparently due to pytest itself:

|self = <DoctestItem 'astroquery.utils.url_helpers.urljoin_keep_path'>
|    def setup(self):
|        if self.dtest is not None:
|            self.fixture_request = _setup_fixtures(self)
|            globs = dict(getfixture=self.fixture_request.getfixturevalue)
|> for name, value in self.fixture_request.getfuncargvalue('doctest_namespace').items():
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|self = <FixtureRequest for <DoctestItem 'astroquery.utils.url_helpers.urljoin_keep_path'>>
|argname = 'doctest_namespace'
|    def getfuncargvalue(self, argname):
|        """ Deprecated, use getfixturevalue. """
|        from _pytest import deprecated
|        warnings.warn(
|            deprecated.GETFUNCARGVALUE,
|>           DeprecationWarning)
|E DeprecationWarning: use of getfuncargvalue is deprecated, use getfixturevalue
|/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/_pytest/fixtures.py:446: DeprecationWarning


Vincent Prat

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