package: src:debian-edu-install
severity: important
x-debbugs-cc: Peter Dreuw <>, Dominik George 


please see inline for some questions to this bug report…

+first of all, let me say I'm surprised noone else noticed this before.
Can someone reproduce this issue?

Also: this issue can only be seen for wheezy but not for squeeze?

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 09:30:22AM +0200, Peter Dreuw wrote:
> Dear Skolelinux community,
> we attempted to upgrade a Skolelinx server from Squeeze to Wheezy (and
> planned to progress to Jessie later on, of course) and run into the
> following issue. As an example, I'd like to pick the "slbackup" package:
> md5sum says:
> ~> md5sum slbackup_0.0.12-5~edu70+1_all.deb
> *7e72a33d83d3185abe66278c1b01b67e* slbackup_0.0.12-5~edu70+1_all.deb
> but
> states
> MD5sum: *83d3185abe66278c1b01b67e98d69f57*
> SHA1: a23c8598901c18fa16dc18128e6b668ef2de7f61
> SHA256: 4dc74d5da14c7b8d5bcc55fcfc40660991255d074142d9f0b2461e3200000000
> Only the SHA512 value matches the one we calculated locally, MD5, SHA1
> and SHA256 are screwed.

this *really* puzzles me, either all hashes should match or none…
> There is an indication that there might be somewhere something broken
> with string manipulation as e.g. the MD5 sums we got match a substring
> of the one given on the project web page. This gets more obvious if
> written like this:
> 7e72a33d *83d3185abe66278c1b01b67e*
> ........ *83d3185abe66278c1b01b67e*  98d69f57
> I picked a few more Skolelinux Wheezy packages and all of them showed
> the same issue with the hashes. I suspect that there is a bug in the
> packaging tool chain the project team might not be aware of.
> Without a working upstream repository, an upgrade won't be possible.

I guess you could still continue upgrading and go to jessie (via
upgrading to wheezy) - jessie doesnt use anymore and
instead *only* uses packages from…

> Some questions arise for me:
> * Is that issue already known?
> * if so, are there any solutions proposed?
> * is this the right place to ask and if not, who else should I ask?
> Thank you all in advance
> and best regards
> Peter Dreuw


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