Am Montag, den 05.09.2016, 16:28 +0200 schrieb Rene Engelhard:
> [ becomes *a bit* offtopic regarding your bug, but... ]

Indeed, sorry. To summarize, I think by now this bug is about (1)
extending the description of the libreoffice meta-package to mention
that additional packages are installed in order to match an upstream
Libreoffice installation as closely as possible and (2) considering
fonts-croscore as an alternative dependency to fonts-liberation.

> Hmm? I don't get that. Liberation is the replacement for Arial etc,
> ttbomk.

fonts-croscore is Google's variant of Red Hat's fonts-liberation. It
provides wider glyph coverage under a "better" license (i.e. SIL OFL),
but lacks the Sans Narrow variant and has Liberation's carfully crafted
hinting replaced by some auto-hinting. Fedora maintains this font under
the Liberation v2 name, but has currently reverted back to using the
Liberation v1 fonts again because of the hinting issues.

Anyway, the fonts in fonts-croscore fit well visually with the ones in
fonts-crosextra-*, so I think it should be possible to replace fonts-
liberation for the former. Maybe this is also something that should be
brought to consideration upstream.

> Well, upstreams "deb"-download? :)

Wow, thanks for this massive list of packages. What I was actually
going to ask for, though, was a line somewhere in the build scripts
that has all the fonts listed that will go into a standard upstream
install. But I guess you already provided that in the last paragraph,
so thank you! ;)



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