Hello Jörg,

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Jörg Frings-Fürst <deb...@jff-webhosting.net> wrote:
Hello Chritopher,

thank you for spending your time helping to make Debian better with
this bug report.

Using an absolute path isn't system conform, breaks the library search
and does a lot of work on changes.

I'm sorry, I don't understand your reasoning.

What's not system conformant about searching in /usr/lib/argyll? This is a standard pattern used by many other programs with optional dynamically-loaded plugins.

It's true that this probably shouldn't go upstream as-is - it should probably be reworked so that the plugin path is a configure-time option - but that's not particularly relevant to Debian, where we'd always define it to be /usr/lib/argyll.

My interpretation of policy is that I currently can't ship libcolordcompat.so from colord in a way that can be used by argyll. This is a plugin object for argyll, not something that should be in the public linker path.

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