Am Mittwoch, den 07.09.2016, 13:35 +0200 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 07.09.2016 um 13:24 schrieb Tilo Villwock:
> > 
> > ...
> > Sep  7 12:54:05 yavin4 gnome-settings-[3260]: Failed to create
> > GnomeRRScreen: Methode »GetResources« gab Typ
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuud)ii)« zurück, aber
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuudu)ii)« wurde erwartet
> > Sep  7 12:54:05 yavin4 gnome-settings-[3260]: failed to get
> > screens: Methode »GetResources« gab Typ
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuud)ii)« zurück, aber
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuudu)ii)« wurde erwartet
> > Sep  7 12:54:06 yavin4 gnome-settings-[3260]: Failed to construct
> > RR screen: Methode »GetResources« gab Typ
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuud)ii)« zurück, aber
> > »(ua(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})a(uxiausauaua{sv})a(uxuudu)ii)« wurde erwartet
> > ...
> > Sep  7 12:54:12 yavin4 gnome-shell[3137]: JS LOG: Could not set
> > property Brightness on remote object
> > /org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/Power:
> > GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Manager is starting
> > or stopping
> Does this issue persist after you've restarted gnome-settings-daemon?

Frankly I'm not sure how to restart the daemon. I simply killed the
process and after it started again it still wouldn't work. The same log
messages appeared too (about not being able to create a GnomePRScreen

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