control: tags -1 moreinfo

>remove gcc,
>let sdl 1.2 (remove unused sdl2)
>update versions from unstable

oh... no sdl2 ready code?

>>i only can test in these archs, but i changed it to =>  any

>Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libsdl1.2 (>= 1.2.15)

libsdl1.2 explicit runtime dependency might be "droppable", did you test it?
just do a build, and open the deb file section debian/control

why libsdl1.2 is not picked up?

>> some (most) of them looks like embedded libraries
>it's part of uptream source. can i do something to make it better?


yes, remove them, repack the source (debian/copyright has a nice Files-Excluded 
and drop them from copyright.
and package them separately if not yet in debian (and useful outside this 

>Unfortunately, this was after 1.0 release date, and it was made through
>my work to contact everyone involved and good response from them.

ok, you might package an upstream snapshot, or clarify this in copyright file

>I think that can parse file by file to fine copyright settings.
>i update it, please check,
>I want to the package fit the debian legal requeriments, the code is
>gpl, lgpl and some files bsd. i think that all are dfsg
>The non-dfsg part was cryplib and was removed via patch (the app can be
>used without that lib)


let me know how you want to proceed with the above points



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