On Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:51:16 AM CDT Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

>  > but it is in conflict with the well-established standard way
>  > of how libraries are distributed in Debian.
> This is incorrect. Header-only libraries are present in the Debian
> archive, such as libboost-dev or libeigen3-dev. A -dev package does
> not automatically have an accompanying shlib package.

True.  But as Joachim later pointed out: -dev packages do typically provide a 
ready-to-use library -- whether it be header-only or accompanied (by 
dependency) with link libraries.

In fact, we did previously distribute a compiled Google Test -- until I came 
across the upstream recommendation to not do so.   So in the past, the name 
libgtest-dev was much more in keeping with traditional practices.  

In hindsight, I probably should have just changed the package name.  But at 
the very least it could be more clearly labelled.  I agree with that much and 
I do apologize for not acting on this bug report.

> This has nothing to do with libgtest-dev being deceptive, but with you
> failing to understand how modern integration of GTest with CMake is
> supposed to happen in accordance with upstream recommendations.

I don't think there's any need to call out perceived personal failings.

> Modern integration uses ExternalProject_Add to fetch the gtest source,
> [...]

I did not know about this technique, so I learned something.  Thanks!


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