On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 02:58:48PM +0200, Christian Pietsch wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:02:13AM +0000, Antonio Radici wrote:
> > In this particular case I believe that the behavior is the correct one, 
> > once we
> > switched to gpgme all pgp_* commands are ignored, if people want to encrypt 
> > to
> > themselves, then they should use the proper configuration option rather than
> > relying on a option passed on the pgp_* command.
> > 
> > The best I can do is to update the NEWS entry to make clear that all pgp_*
> > command are ignored after the switch to gpgme and saying that if you want to
> > encrypt to yourself you have to doublecheck that pgp_encrypt_self is true in
> > your config
> Sounds good to me. But are you sure that all pgp_* commands are
> ignored? For instance, I just found out that pgp_encrypt_self=yes is
> quite essential in this situation.

It turns out that it doesn't work, I was looking on the internet and I found out
that you cannot encrypt-to-self when using gpgme [0], I'll work on a patch for
that if it's not already available.

[0] https://github.com/karelzak/mutt-kz/issues/89

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