[Henning Makholm]
> ... Note that I am the upstream author myself. I wrote this tool
> because I need it myself and there seems to be nothing comparable
> available on the net. Then I put some extra work into polishing it up
> for general consumption, because it seemed to be the Right Thing to
> do - I cannot be the only one who have whished for such a tool to
> exist.

It sounds quite generally useful.  Especially in light of the trend
toward enforcing the DFSG on data as well as code - and with the Wig &
Pen source format it will be convenient to ship .xcf files as Debian
additions to packages.

Integrating xcftopnm into netpbm is another option, though I'm not sure
whether xcfinfo belongs there.

> Nonetheless, packaging one's own software does smell slightly of
> "vanity package" -- I'd appreciate comments.

Not at all, if it's actually useful.  And it sounds to me as though
this is.

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